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Part Time Chief Marketing Executive Drives Lead Generation Growth With Integrated Marketing Automation Solutions
Part Time Chief Marketing Executive Drives Lead Generation Growth With Integrated Marketing Automation Solutions
“Susie and her team restructured CoPlan finally driving us as the unique business that we have always been. She helped us leave a positive and valued impression on our customers with strong symbolism through our identity, which represented our work with all kinds of needs and all kinds of families.
At CoPlan our ultimate goal is to help families move forward to meet their college goals, little did I know that one of my clients would help me move forward too.
Thank you, Susie and Q2Mark team!”
Vasil Svolopoulous
CoPlan CFS is a group of highly trained advisers and educational specialists, in collaboration with the College Planning Network (CPN), whose purpose is to guide, enlighten, and ultimately to enrich the lives of families nationwide. CoPlan CFS, in partnership with CPN, provides comprehensive career counseling, college selection, admissions assistance, and strategic financial guidance so that students may achieve their academic and personal goals. CoPlan CFS ensures that parents are educated regarding the real cost of college, financial aid resources available to them, and their options for investment in their student’s education. CoPlan CFS positions students to gain admission to their best-match colleges to help them to achieve a prosperous future, inspiring professional accomplishments and personal success. Their guiding principle is that through their work with CPN, CoPlan CFS’s students gain the self-confidence and life skills necessary to become exceptionally valuable, happy, productive members of their school and their community while becoming the leaders of tomorrow.
Incorporated in 2014, CoPlan CFS is owned and operated by Vasil Svolopoulos, a professional financial advisor. CoPlan’s purpose and promise is to help families successfully navigate the college admissions and financial aid planning process so their children can attend the college of their choice, regardless of existing financial limitations. The problem with CoPlan was that they didn’t have a valued brand that supported business goals. Their identity and marketing efforts were hindering sales, not helping.
I met Vasil at one of CoPlan’s in-person workshops that discussed the college financial planning process. I approached Vasil with a few questions, but also a few suggestions on his program. Vasil was impressed with my honest opinion, and after some more discussion, I was on board with realigning CoPlan’s professional business strategy with my proven experiences.
CoPlan needed to make strategic decisions regarding how it presented itself and its product offerings in order for promotional messages to stand out, reach prospects in a compelling and useful way to connect more effectively, build lasting relationships and ultimately obtain more clients. I guided Vasil through a SWOT analysis to better understand the segment of the financial marketplace he was in, and how to better leverage his strengths.
Without putting a stronger marketing system in place, CoPlan leaves its long-term profitability to chance in an overwhelmingly competitive market. There was a huge opportunity to combat this negative outlook starting with their identity and positioning.
The Q2Mark team developed and designed a new visual identity that places CoPlan’s business goals in a more professional and personable image to ultimately attract more clients. Then the team and I developed a comprehensive branded business collateral package, key for positioning Vasil and his counterpart as trusted authorities for all of their outreach, communication and presentation efforts.
The big picture of my work: Business Development – of a new online revenue source and business model. Vasil’s training, experience and passion is coaching parents how to save on college tuition for their kids, which is a tricky business. It’s even trickier to get potential clients to trust you –most families can’t afford thousands of dollars to be played with.
I worked hard on portraying a professional, positive and trustworthy light on CoPlan CFS and Vasil. On a tight budget we pulled off a professional photo shoot. This was essential for mirroring who he was, illustrating his presence and overall presenting a polished personable appearance – the before and after truly encapsulated a world of difference.
The Q2Mark team did a lot of work to implement public relations campaigns, social media tactics and marketing automation to drive leads, and my leadership was super effective in determining where CoPlan should make investments to attract the best clientele.
A compelling tool the Q2Mark created from scratch was a set of ebooks used as lead magnets for the website, email campaign and social media promotion – cost effective and a big boost for ROI. It was geared toward educating Vasil’s audience and backing him as a credible professional source.
Q2Mark truly succeeded in restructuring CoPlan, which resulted in a unique business and identity that set CoPlan apart from its competitors leaving a positive and valued impression on its customers. Every aspect my team and I touched had a huge impact on positioning Vasil in the marketplace and driving leads back to CoPlan, ultimately boosting profitability.
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